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Crowd funding for minifigure quartet card game [Miscellaneous]

Thursday, 11 July 2013
By Brickset Blog
Crowd funding for minifigure quartet card game [Miscellaneous]

Crowd-funding seems to be all the rage these days to help people get their ideas off the ground. There is no shortage of LEGO related projects vying for your support, and I know glenbricker has highlighted a few here recently.

Here's another idea that has potential, particularly if you have kids: Christoph Bartneck, who runs and has produced the unofficial minifigure catalogues, wants to raise just over €5000 to be able to create an 'Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Quartet card game.' The money's needed to print 500 sets of cards. If you pledge €15 you'll receive a deck of cards when they've been printed. Interested? head on over to Indiegogo to pledge your support and to find out more.

This article was originally published at'>

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