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Modular LEGO townhouse – With some visual jokes!

Thursday, 11 July 2013
By A Lego A Day

I found a lot to like in this modular LEGO townhouse by Candia_30, and I hope you do, too.

Modular LEGO townhouse

Modular LEGO townhouse with funny Easter Eggs

One of the first things I noticed, and really liked, was how it looks like sections of the exterior and exterior walls can be easily removed.  It almost turns this modular LEGO townhouse into a movie set making photography that much easier.  I have an idea for recurring LEGO web comic that I had considered building a set like this.  This modular LEGO townhouse confirms for me that it is possible!

I love the little space under the stairs.  Really reminds me of Harry potter.LEGO Harry Potter

Here’s another shot with a wall removed.  Looking at this shot, another reason for doing this occurs to me.  It’s possible to make the bathroom wall blue, but not have a vertical blue stripe on the wall in the adjoining room.

Did you notice the empty toilet paper roll?  (at least that’s what I hope it is!)  Why is this true every where you go?

LEGO bathroom

I love the LEGO bunk beds in this room, and the ladder making it easier to get in the top bunk.  There doesn’t seem to be much storage for clothing in this modular LEGO townhouse though.

LEGO bunk beds

Overall, a very cute two-bedroom modular LEGO townhouse.  I love the rugs in the master bedroom.  I do wonder what those handcuffs are for though… 0.o

LEGO bedroom

I hope you liked this latest modular feature.  I’m getting a lot of ideas for projects when the weather gets cold again.

Do you have any LEGO project plans for the near future?

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