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The Yoda Chronicles [Book review]

Thursday, 11 July 2013
By Brickset Blog

Special Forces Commander Special Forces CommanderThe Dorling Kindersley book The Yoda Chronicles has just been published and I received my copy yesterday.

To be honest the book itself is not really what I was expecting given that the definition of chronicle is 'An extended account in prose or verse of historical events, sometimes including legendary material, presented in chronological order and without authorial interpretation or comment.'

I was therefore expecting a story of some sort. Instead, the book is really just about the Star Wars universe from Yoda's point of view: his allies, his enemies, what he does and so on in very simplistic terms. The photography and layout is as good as you'd expect for a DK book, although the majority of it is just stock imagery that's appeared in their other books.

More of interest, then, for AFOLs, is the minifig that comes with the book: this Special Forces Commander. I am very happy to say that it's a genuine minifig (all but the helmet are made in Europe or Mexico) which is unusual for figures that come with DK books. It's very well printed on the front and back. Quite what it's got to do with Yoda I don't know. It does get a passing mention in the book but it's not really a key character, is it. Maybe in the cartoon it has some prominence...

In summary, kids will love the book and the figure. AFOLs won't find much to capture their interest in the book itself, but will buy it anyway to get this exclusive figure.

It's available from Amazon: £12 in the UK and about $13 in the USA.

This article was originally published at'>

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