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Lego challenge video – 5000 bricks

Tuesday, 9 July 2013
By A Lego A Day

I just watched a video on the LEGO YouTube channel, and I found it quite inspiring. The video is about a LEGO challenge, giving three unique builders 5000 bricks, and two hours to build. What will they come up with?

LEGO challenge – Be creative!

An animator, a developer, and a film maker.  Three very different people making very different models from LEGO, but they all had similar experiences.  All three builders had fond memories of building with LEGO as kids.

LEGO makes me remember what it’s like to be a kid.

I certainly remember building things with LEGO, and running off to show them to mom and dad. Those are some of my fondest memories of building with LEGO. Showing my parents what I could do, and always striving to make something better.

You can do anything. But you have to do something.

This idea really struck me, and it’s something I need to take to heart.  I have all these great ideas, and the ability to follow through on them, but most sit unrealized.  The hardest part of any new adventure is taking that first step.  Who’s ready to take that first step with me?  What are you going to do today?

This is my LEGO challenge to you.

I’m going to get serious about actually building with LEGO.  I’m going to set aside time every day to build, even if it’s something small.

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