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LEGO castle keep – A beautiful scene

Friday, 5 July 2013
By A Lego A Day

Nominated as one of the Best Individual Layouts at Brickworld 2013, this LEGO castle keep is breathtaking. When I first saw it, I assumed it was a collaboration. I was shocked to learn it was the work of a single builder, Lego Smith.

LEGO castle keep - Vanguard Keep

Huge LEGO castle keep featured at Brickworld 2013

This is an amazing model, both in terms of scale and quality.  And the details found in this LEGO castle keep are incredible.  I love how the tops of the crenelations are topped with tiles.  Other details I love:

  • The banners flying along the wall

  • The massive gates

  • The dark gray inlaid sections of wall

  • The perfect amount of SNOT mounted tiles along the wall adding dimension

And Lego Smith’s photography skills are equally impressive.  Love the depth of field in all the shots.

Vanguard Keep


I love how the arrival of this party is depicted.  Is she a warrior princess from a far away land arriving with her honor guard?  beautiful landscaping as well.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen inverted flower stems used to top trees like that.Vanguard Keep


This council scene is perfectly placed in this LEGO castle keep.  Very reminiscent of the Council of Elrond from The Fellowship of the Ring.  I love seeing the races of men, elves, and dwarves represented.Vanguard Keep


And check out the earth work.  What a fantastic use of angled plates.  So realistic looking.  I love this inn with the barmaid out front opening a bottle for the weary traveller approaching her doors.  And the guilded sign out front is lovely, too.Vanguard Keepcheck the rest of the pictures on Flickr.

What’s your favorite detail from this LEGO castle keep?


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