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Build your own LEGO vehicles [Book review]

Monday, 8 July 2013
By Brickset Blog

This book has just been published by Heel. It's written by Joachim Klang, who was also involved in the The Big LEGO Builders Book, also published by Heel, that we reviewed in October last year.

Build your own LEGO VehiclesIf you enjoyed that book, you'll like this one too because it's pretty much more of the same. It contains detailed building instructions for the four models shown on the cover, plus a classic car, and a few items of 'equipment' (telephone box, stool and a parts tray). Like the first book, the instructions are very well produced and easy to follow, and full parts lists are provided.

There are some interesting techniques used in some of the models, like building the vehicle chassis upside down, so if you're only ever built models from official instructions, it could be a bit of an eye-opener.

Interspersed with the instructions are pictures of the models, often in alternative colour schemes, photographed in LEGO scenes which are generally very good and provide further inspiration for your own models.

This, and all the other new LEGO books that are due to be published this year, are listed on our Amazon books page. In the UK it costs about £12 and in the US, £15.

I have another recently published book, Brick by Brick: How LEGO rewrote the rules of innovation and conquered the global toy industry by David C Robertrson, to hand and I'll be reading and reviewing it over the next couple of weeks.


This article was originally published at'>

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