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#977 Building competition: HOUSE

Monday, 6 April 2020
By Tips And Brick
#977 Building competition: HOUSE
Today we're launching a building competition to help keep everyone busy during these unprecedented times. The brief: create a house out of LEGO bricks, for example, your own house, a medieval house, your dream house etc. 4 winners will be chosen, who will receive LEGO gift cards: 1st: £30 (or currency equivalent) 2nd: £20 3rd: £10 Random winner: £10 > This additional winner will be picked randomly from all entries so that anyone entering has a chance of winning a prize! The details are as follows: - Any scale, size and theme is acceptable
- Must be a new build
- Entries can be physical or digital You can enter your builds by either posting to Instagram using the hashtag #tandb_house or by emailing Entries close on the 20th of April and the winners will be picked after this date. Check out these builds for inspiration: By Full Plate: By Jon & Catherine Stead: By De Marco Bricks and Wheels: By Peeters Kevin: By Sarah Beyer: By Sarah Beyer: By aukbricks: By Sarah Beyer: Please share this competition around and we look forward to seeing everyone's entries!

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