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#922 Favourite Brick Friday: 4524 Plastic Minifigure Cape

Monday, 27 January 2020
By Tips And Brick
#922 Favourite Brick Friday: 4524 Plastic Minifigure Cape
This week's favourite brick is the plastic minifigure cape, a relatively unknown piece that only appeared in sets from 1984 to 2003. Despite it's obscurity, balbo._ on Instagram can forever find unique ways to use pieces, and this one is no different with some perfect application such as wings, tails and skirts to name a few! Make sure you're following balbo._ on Instagram here: Check out the piece on Bricklink: P=4524&name=Minifigure,%20Cape%20Plastic&category=%5BMinifigure,%20Body%20Wear%5D#T=S&C=5&O={"color":"5","iconly":0}

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