Brick Blog:

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2013 in review

Tuesday, 31 December 2013
By Mariann Asanuma

Happy New Year’s Eve to one and all! I know I haven’t been all that active on my blog this past year, a fact I plan to change in the next — I refuse to call it a resolution because they always seem to get broken.

Quick health update: I’m doing much, much better! I’m still not 100%, closer to 85%, but on the mend and looking towards a healthier future! One of the things I’ve started to help me get better is juicing and with all the veggies and fruits I’m juicing my energy is growing. :D

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Some of the quick highlights:

My blog was viewed in 160 different countries — the US, UK, and Canada having the most readers.

There were 92 (this is 93) new posts this year. A number I plan on surpassing next year

And my most popular post was the Happy 1001 Posts, which also happened to be my first giveaway — something I will also be doing more of in the future. ;)

Click on the picture if you want to view the full report.

Click here to see the complete report.

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